Burning Man 2012: Fertility 2.0

Burning Man is an annual event in Black Rock City, Nevada, where people from all over the world come to celebrate art and life. Black Rock City is built, maintained, and dismantled every year by volunteers who pay admittance into the city and is also Nevada’s third largest city with sixty sixty-thousand attendants in 2012. … Continue reading

Rainbow Gathering 2012

May 27, Joel drove through the night and into Boulder, Colorodo. There the Love Bus met with friends whom allowed us to use their showers and fill the bus with drinking water. The plan was to finish the vegetable oil conversion, however it was delayed further when the bus failed to start the next morning. … Continue reading


SOAK at Prindel Creek was a great success. The bus arrived late in the afternoon after it had to replace a battery that was accidentally drilled into. That afternoon at the Lollipops and Bodyshots camp people fell right into place among good friends and other Burners. There was an enormous spirit of hospitality and openness … Continue reading